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About 2022's Earth Day Event

As the current Environmental Club President, overseeing the Earth Day event on April 20th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm was highly excellent and satisfying! Many students came to see all the set-up tables brooming with activities and posters. As a club, we did much but also had tremendous help from other organizations, without which the event would not have been as successful. Many tables focused on climate change and things such as recycling, reusing, and reducing as their main topics, with one notable experiment of diverting the watercourse or its effects by one organization. There was also a table filled with food options for students to enjoy veggie burgers and fried zucchini, courtesy of our lunch team. I also cannot thank you enough for how grateful I am to Katie Ordinario, the Director of Student Activities, and Mary Kincaid, the Student Activities Coordinator. They were pleased with our work, having been hosting this annual event before. I hope whoever came enjoyed the event and will come back the following year (assuming those who do are still CCC students) to participate in it again and educate themselves about climate change! There is still much potential for this to grow, and with COVID still existing, the fact that the event was still such a success shows our college’s dedication and challenging work! Sincerely, I want to say how much I appreciate all the help and support we received, and I hope for more to come in the future!

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