By: Kyle Chmielowski
The play Alice by Heart is coming to Wright College! Wright Times News sat down
with stage managers Carlos and Gemma to preview what you should expect. A big feature of this play that makes it stand out is the music according to Carlos.
“The depth of the play is in the song, songs that get stuck in your head,” he says.
Michael Lesko and Carson Starcevic as “White Rabbit” and “Alice” (Photo Credit: Ruben Galvan)
Carlos and Gemma noted how the songs focus on themes of grief and escapism. Carlos and Gemma state that one of the biggest challenges of producing this play is the large cast. Last year’s play only starred 4 actors but this play stars 13. Fortunately, they say they have a talented group of actors who work well with each other.
Costuming Assistant Regina “Miss Regina” Gray (Photo Credit: Yenaliz Garcia)
“The cast support each other so much, you have strong relationships and they care about each other so much that they are pulling through this together,” says Gemma. Carlos and Gemma also noted how the group is the best they’ve seen when it comes
to teamwork.
While Carlos and Gemma offered many reasons to be excited to come see Alice by Heart, the best way to find out what this play is all about is to come and see for yourself.
The cast of “Alice by Heart”. (Photo Credit: Gavan Parages)
The play will have free student matinees on Wednesday, Nov 6 at 11:00 AM and on Thursday, Nov 7 at 12:30 PM. Evening performances will be held Nov 7, 8, and 9, at 7:30 PM, where students can get tickets for only $5.
Music Director; Paul Scavone, at work. (Photo Credit: Ruben Galvan)