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Wilfredo Razo

Experiencing South Asia Here at Wilbur Wright College

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

(Photo Courtesy of SASE)

On November 16th, SASE hosted the Experience South Asia event from 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm. SASE had activities such as painting a diya, tattooing henna, playing a Blooket game, and dancing to music. Here is what attendees had to say about the Experience South Asia event:

Joshua Olmos said, “So I thought like, overall, it was a good experience. I thought it was a really great experience too. I like how we got to play games. I think it was a fun experience, you know. Highlights…I think it was definitely like letting some of the dancers practice with the students. It was fun and enjoyable. I probably say to be organized with the time, you know, like they said like it would be like 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.”

Joshua Chong responded about the event, “I did not see much of it, but I would say I like the food. The food was tasty. Highlights were like the food and music. I would say the event is unique. I would say [SASE] to be flexible with everyone’s timing because I did not make it to most of the event.”

(Photo Credit: Wilfredo Razo)

Adam Moine expressed his thoughts about the event: “I mean, it was very nice to see all my friends here, especially from the music program. I am seeing a lot of my music friends here. The food was the best highlight of the event. The food was very, very good. It was amazing. I liked it. Well, there is nothing to improve, to be honest. The food was there. The music was there. My friends are here, you know? I think that is what matters. I would say the event was fun. Ten out of ten.”

(Photo Courtesy of Connor O’Reilly)

Connor O'Reilly also spoke about the event: “I see like, you know, the club had a solid vision from the start. They just executed it perfectly. I think they crushed it, and I look forward to any events they host in the future. The food blew me out of the water: the naan, the rice, and everything. There is the dance aspect and the Blooket they did–all very informative and very fun too. It gets students invested in that. I think [SASE] is crushing it. They have a henna station. They got great food. There is not much to improve on; just speeding up and making sure people can join more of it. Get it wrapped up. It started earlier, and it ended earlier. Wright, that’s my one word to describe the event.”

(Photo Credit: Wilfredo Razo)

Cora Haworth said: “The Diwali event, right now, was very nice. I enjoyed going to the event. It is fun to meet new people. The food was delicious, and then we got to do hennas ourselves. I know we had a dance portion, so maybe making sure we had a big enough space for the dance. The event was energizing.”

All five interviewees had an excellent time at the Experience South Asia event. Joshua Rio, president of the SASE, was greeted with a surge of fun energy amongst the attendees and five interviewees. Rio was able to sit down and interview, and he answered the following questions:

(Photo Credit: Wilfredo Razo)

What is SASE’s main focus?

“SASE is a society of Asian scientists and engineers; as you can tell, it is Asian engineering focused. We are not limited to that, of course. But that is our main focus.”

How do you approach that main focus as the President of SASE?

Through events like the Experience South Asia. We plan events like these throughout the year, so this one is focused on Diwali, which is like a South Asian celebration. So it is just like brain-focused on Asian culture. And more towards next semester, we might plan more workshops or competitions based on engineering.”

What is your next event, and what should we know about the next event?

So our next event is actually next month. It is on December 1st, and it is a collaboration with one of our other organizations, the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM). We are basically hosting a movie night of the popular movie Interstellar.”

Referring back to the Experience South Asia event, how did it turn out to be?

“This one, I think, is our main event for this semester. I think it turned out pretty well. I had a few people come up to me, and they say, ‘The food was great’ or ‘I had a good time.’ It turned out better than I expected, but I’ll take it. It means that we lived up to what we are aiming for.”

What highlights did you notice in the Experience South Asia event?

Shout out to Jasmine and Amara. They were the two girls dressed up and doing the presentation. They are South Asian, so they were more familiar with this celebration. Jasmine led the dancing and was in the center, telling everyone what to do. I thought the dance was pretty well. Behind the scenes, we all were worried that nobody would help or dance, but surprisingly, 80% or 90% of people did. Of course, any event you host is going to be a worry. Participation is going to be a worry. And especially if you have food, you’re worried that most people will come for the food.

What obstacles did you notice in the Experience South Asia event?

“We had a little bit of funding issues. Because, of course, we want food. But then we also have the pots and the henna materials. The money adds up, and we do not want to take too much because it is fun for all the school clubs. So we had to do a little bit of cutting. Surprisingly, we had to cut down the food by a lot.”

Rio and SASE wrap up Experience South Asia by ending with Karaoke. Most importantly, SASE has hosted a beautiful, well-made event that Wilbur Wright College students love. Experience South Asia was fun, according to the five interviewees and Rio. As SASE ended the Experience South Asia event, they are preparing for their next event, the Interstellar Movie Night. The Interstellar Movie Night is on December 1st, starting at 3:30 pm. Anyone interested in the Interstellar Movie Night event hosted by SASE and ACM and has questions or concerns can contact SASE through email. SASE’s email address is

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