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Meet the SGA Treasurer: Amal Zalloum

Shou Glasparil

By: Shoutarou Glasparil

(Caption: “Photo Credit: Amal Zalloum”)

Wilbur Wright College’s Student Government experienced leadership shifts in the upcoming election season. In this interview, we had an opportunity to speak with the treasurer of SGA, Amal Zalloum. She is a second-year student at Wright College. She shared that she has a deep connection at Wright seeing the support advisors and deans give to the students. 

What or who inspired you to run for your position?

What made me join SGA was our previous vice president who encouraged me to run. Without her advice, I wouldn't be in SGA. She pushed me to become something greater. I owe a big thank you to her. I think people can inspire others and grow through each other.”

What are your goals as treasurer? What would you like to achieve?

“To help the community and learn more about myself. My goal would be to encourage others to put themselves out there and be part of the community. Also to not let others put you down. Don't let anyone stop you from things you enjoy. Be who you are and be grateful.”

Are there any other comments you’d like to share?

“My name is Amal, I am so proud to be at Wright College… My experience as the treasurer is such an amazing thing. Being a leader is not easy but working with students makes everything marvelous. My vision is to be an amazing student and to work hard. I wanted to run as treasurer again so I would be more professional. We did a couple of round tables in which we talked about student issues. The most popular questions are. How to fix the internet, tuition, and the last thing was tuition increases. I enjoyed these round tables because we get to see faces that we don't even see as students are welcome. As a student government, the most important thing is to be connected with the students and to be more self cared. When I first became the treasure in the student government I thought I was dreaming, without my team and my advisors I wouldn't have been the treasure of 2023. It's not easy but it sure makes me feel so special as a leader.”

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