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President David Potash bids Farewell to Wright College

Jenin Hattab

By: Jenin Hattab

President David Potash, Ph.D new adventure awaits. In Fall 2024 he will be President of Suny Sullivan Community College in New York.  

Wright College will celebrate its 90th year in the fall of 2024. While Potash will no longer be at Wright in the fall, he will miss the people tremendously. “This has been by far, the most meaningful position [I] ever held, with the people at Wright, in the community, and CCC.” 

“Things I am grateful for is significant student completion.” When Potash began in 2013 the graduation rates of first-time and full-time students were 13%. While in 2023, it was 31%. He has high hopes it will continue to grow throughout the years. “ We have done some great things with student life, and student engagement.” 

From outside recognition, Wright has earned the Seal of Excelencia due to their continuous efforts of equity work. “The growth at the center of excellence is a joy to be a part of that” Potash highlights. During Potash’s presidency, he and his team launched Wright’s first equity plan, an equity symposium, and a host of equity initiatives. 

As he emphasizes, Wright is a one-of-a-kind. “Last year [2023] all three of the only Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship recipients in Illinois hailed from Wright.” This is from a long-standing tradition of high-quality education, good service, and low cost. “This college has resources and connections that can help others,” Potash reported proudly.  

Photo Credits: Jenin Hattab

Throughout the interview, Potash emphasized the unity of Wright College, a shout out to Yeisha Betancourt-Ruiz, College Director-Special Projects with whom he works closely with. “These are all team efforts, it’s not about me, it’s a team”  Potash confirmed. 

A pattern arose with 10+ years at Wright College, and now onto another community college, “[I am] really grateful and fortunate in my higher education to work in several different institutions, what I learned. [What] resonates with me, is the mission of community colleges, the people, students, it’s a very special place, very grateful to continue to be in that environment.” 

Presidential contracts in CCC are three years, he has served four consecutive terms within three-year increments. “My message is real gratitude, it’s been a great community to work with and for, the college and the outside community. This isn’t my college, it's our college," Potash said confidently.

Susan Colon, Ph.D. Interim Faculty Council President reports that “the search committee advanced the names of three semi-finalists to Chancellor Salgado last Friday. He will publicly announce his selection sometime this month.” While Potash is not a part of the committee, he will support the next president in any way he can and wishes them much success. 

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