By: Jessica Gramajo
Are you ready for the ride of your life? Well, neither were these teenagers when they rode the Cyclone that tragically resulted in their sudden deaths.
The former six choir members are greeted by a mysterious mechanical fortune-teller,the Amazing Karnak, as they enter an otherworldly dimension which they cannot escape from. Or so they think. The Amazing Karnak, who is slowly but surely running out of time thanks to a rat chewing away at his cable cord, hastily makes them vote on the resurrection of all but one person by singing their hearts out! Filled with quirky personalities, edgy humor, and lighthearted topics, such as death and failed dreams, Ride the Cyclone: The Musical promises to take you on the ride of six unfortunate lives.

Stage Wright presents Ride the Cyclone: The Musical, written by Brooke Maxwell and Jacob Richmond, directed by Kristen Williams, who has been a professor and theater director for 17 years at City Colleges of Chicago. Stage Wright's production staff, crew and band effortlessly executed the whimsical essence of this musical by giving it their all and dedicating countless hours and an unimaginable amount of talent.
The contrasting mise en scène of psychedelic lights, dark-lit warehouse and unorthodox dialogue will keep you on the edge of your seat as the story progresses along. Who will these unfortunate souls choose to save when they're beckoned with the option to save themselves?
If this satirical yet thought-provoking play interests you, then please make your way to the Events Building Theatre on Nov 9 at 11:00 AM and 7:30 PM to truly experience a ride of a lifetime. But wait, there's more! The production will also perform on Nov 10 and 11 at 7:30 PM.
