By: Alex Mora
With the changing seasons, I enjoy making playlists to reflect how I feel. Typically, I pick songs that I feel reflect the specific seasons’ vibes, as well as what I think my general mood will be for the next three months.
For the summer, I pick upbeat, fun songs, while for the winter I opt for more slow, and even somber songs. Fall is a transitional season, with the leaves changing from green to orange, yellow, and brown hues, and the weather becoming cooler.
The sun sets earlier, and our moods may fluctuate. Music is often used as an emotional outlet, and we use it to help us express and understand our feelings when we ourselves can’t vocalize them. Music connects and inspires us, and it’s been a crucial part of human culture and connection since the beginning of time.
This fall, I want to share my little hobby and create a playlist that reflects what students at Wright are listening to this season. Hopefully this can help you discover something new, and maybe feel more connected to our community.
Spanning a multitude of genres and artists, here is a taste of what our fellow students are listening to this fall.
Scan this code using the camera search feature in your Spotify App to access the “Wright Community Fall Playlist”